
boolean verify-signature(string signature, string data, string public_key [, string algorithm])

The verify-signature function verifies a given Base64-encoded signature for the given data using the given public_key (in PEM format, with or without boundaries). The optional parameter algorithm is the signing algorithm (the default is SHA256; list of supported algorithms). It returns true if the signature could be verified, false otherwise.


  <eval out="$public_key">$metadata//*[@use = "signing"]//*[local-name() = "X509Certificate"]</eval>
    {{$data := 'my data' }}
    {{$signature := 'C+BxESu4KiMWj/pVkY4j29FDu …Bfv95ZZER7DYkGwUOw==' }}
    {{$signature_ok := verify-signature($signature, $data, $public_key) }}
    {{$signature_ok := verify-signature($signature, $data, $public_key, 'SHA256') }}

    {{$signature_NOT_ok := verify-signature($signature, 'different data', $public_key) }}

See also

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