
string json-to-csv(OXN array)

The json-to-csv function translates the given OXN array into CSV as described in RFC 4180. The array entries must either be arrays or "flat" objects with number, boolean, string, or null values.

If any errors occur, an empty string is returned.

Example: array of arrays


  <template out="$arr">
    [ 1, "  foo ", true ],
    [ 2, "ba, r", false ],
    [ 3.21, "q\"u\"x", true ],
    [ '', null, '' ]
  <eval out="$csv">json-to-csv($arr)</eval>
  <copy in="$csv"/>

creates the following output:

1,  foo ,true
2,"ba, r",false

Example: array of "flat" objects


  <template out="$arr">
    { "A": 1, "B": "  foo ", "C": true },
    { "A": 2, "B": "ba, r", "C": false },
    { "A": 3.21, "B": "q\"u\"x", "C": true },
    { "A": "", "B": null, "C": "" }
  <eval out="$csv">json-to-csv($arr)</eval>
  <copy in="$csv"/>

creates the same output.

Last updated